Sacred Relics & Constructs
Sacred Relics & Constructs is a collection of works that exist as both assemblage and artifact, infused with symbolic resonance and layered storytelling. Combining found objects, sculptural elements, and richly textured collage, each piece feels like an unearthed relic, imbued with the weight of memory and the echoes of the sacred, the mysterious, and the beautifully decayed.
The Sacred Other Altar Egos Series Collage, Acrylic, Clay & Found Objects 12" x 24" (not including found objects off the frame)
The Sacred Other Closeup of Mask
Death - "13" - Transformation Tarot Series - Click for More Details Collage, Acrylic Paint, Found Objects & Clay 10" x 8" [SOLD]
Passions of Pele Acrylic, Collage, Clay & Found Objects
Minerva Collage, Found Objects, Clay & Acrylic 15" x 22" [SOLD]
Oracle Collage, Clay, Acrylic & Found Objects 13"x21"
Cynara Collage, Found Objects, Clay & Acrylic 10" x 22" [SOLD]
Ancestors Collage, Found Objects, Clay & Acrylic 6" x 8" [SOLD]
The Heirophant - "5" - The Sage Tarot Series Collage, Found Objects, Clay & Acrylic 6" x 8" [COMISSIONED]
Page of Swords - the Inquisitive Tarot Series Collage, Found Objects, Clay & Acrylic 9" x 12" [SOLD]
Wheel of Fortune - "10" - The Fateweaver Tarot Series Collage, Found Objects, Clay & Acrylic 9" x 12" [SOLD]
Page of Swords - her hidden heart revealed Tarot Series [SOLD]
High Priestess - "2" - The Veilkeeper Tarot Series Acrylic, Collage, Clay & Found Objects 9" x 12" [SOLD]
Four of Swords - The Restorer Tarot Series Acrylic, Collage, Clay & Found Objects 8" x 10" [SOLD]
The Devil - "15" - Seduction & Control Tarot Series Acrylic, Collage, Clay & Found Objects 6" x 12" [SOLD]
Echo of the Muse Acrylic, Collage, Clay & Found Objects 11" x 14" [SOLD]
The Mistress Collage, Found Objects & Acrylic 4.5" x 9" [SOLD]