Stencil Inspiration - A quick tutorial for gorgeous miniature art journals to keep or gift!
Here’s a quick look at couple of ways that I have used my latest stencils to make a few journals. Perfect for gifting!
Connecting during Corona Virus
Sharing resources for where we can connect, commiserate, share artwork, ask questions and participate in challenges while we are dealing with Covid-19.
Matus Atelier has launched!
I’m so exciting to share with you that I’ve just launched my own sustainable wearable art clothing and accessories line!
New Face Stencils!!!!
So excited to announce my new line of stencils with StencilGirl. I have loved seeing the incredible creations that people have come up with using my last series of stencil designs, and I can't wait to see what you all come up with next!
Using Stencils to Create Fabulous Portraits - Tutorial
Grab your sketchbook and a pencil because this tutorial gives you the step-by-step process I use for creating amazing portraits with my stencil collection.
In Your Face Workshops - Mixed Media Faces Using Stencils!
Join me in Vancouver for an in-person stencil class I call “In you Face”. A fast-paced class that will have you creating portraits with a plethora of mixed media techniques and my stencils of course!