Stencil Inspiration - A quick tutorial for gorgeous miniature art journals to keep or gift!
Here’s a quick look at couple of ways that I have used my latest stencils to make a few journals. Perfect for gifting!
New Face Stencils!!!!
So excited to announce my new line of stencils with StencilGirl. I have loved seeing the incredible creations that people have come up with using my last series of stencil designs, and I can't wait to see what you all come up with next!
Using Stencils to Create Fabulous Portraits - Tutorial
Grab your sketchbook and a pencil because this tutorial gives you the step-by-step process I use for creating amazing portraits with my stencil collection.
In Your Face Workshops - Mixed Media Faces Using Stencils!
Join me in Vancouver for an in-person stencil class I call “In you Face”. A fast-paced class that will have you creating portraits with a plethora of mixed media techniques and my stencils of course!
Using Multi-Layered Stencils in your Mixed Media artwork
Quick tutorial on using multi layered stencils designed by Andrea Matus deMeng